Friday, November 9, 2007

On My Own.

The rarest of all occurances has happened! I am home, by myself, for the evening. I cannot remember the last time that happened. Maybe in 1993. Anyway, I am making the most of it.
Thing 1 is at a school dance with her friends, and won't be home until sometime after 10:00. Thing 2 is at a Girl Guide camp for the whole weekend, and will be driven home by a woman who has my eternal gratitude on Sunday morning.
The Mister scored some hockey tickets by way of one of my clients this afternoon, and is cheerfully drinking beer and whoo-hooing and grunting in the manner of sports attendees everywhere as we speak.
Me? I am making use of my free time with the following:
1. Enjoying a bowl of popcorn for dinner.
2. Wandering around the internet and playing Free Cell with wild abandon.
3. Reading my book entire pages at a time without interruption.
4. Admiring the week's cleaning efforts. Also, after tidying the kitchen after my "dinner" I keep going back into it to groove on the fact that it is still clean, hours later.
5. Not refereeing any fights.
6. Watching "Pride and Prejudice" for the 23rd time without A) anyone informing me that I've already seen it, or B) constantly asking me what is going on and why are they talking so funny.
7. Being the sole recipient of extensive, jubilant Toby-lovin'.
8. Not sharing my Diet Pepsi with anyone.
9. Wearing my most derelict but comfiest sweatpants without any slander to my character or my morals.
10. I am the Omnipotent Grand Fromage in Charge of The Remote Control.

I will enjoy it while it lasts!

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