Monday, September 3, 2007

I cleaned out the big freezer today, a job I hate but that I like to have done. They tell me ("They", of "They University".) that the freezer works more efficiently if it's full, but I'll be damned if I can figure out a way to have it full and find things in it.
It's sort of like a big archeological site, my freezer, as I can evaluate the age of the artifacts by the layer in which they sit: sour cherries? top layer, bought recently. Strawberry freezer jam? Middle top: June. Fruitcake? Bottom: 1996.
We do seem to have all manner and ethnicity of bread, and can supply the neighbourhood, if necessary. Tortillas, pitas, bagels, pizza dough, waffles, foccacia and lavosh. We have a virtual UN of yeasty goodness in our freezer, and plenty of it too.
I also found about 6 boxes of frozen spinach in there, which is puzzling since A) I seem to recall only 3 the last time I cleaned out the freezer, and B) nobody here eats frozen spinach, let alone buys it. (My family would far rather lurch around groaning and holding their stomachs, delirious with hunger than actually get up and, you know, go to the grocery store.) I think the spinach is actually multiplying in there, like very cold triffids or something. It would not be the first time that my housekeeping skills resulted in inadvertant science projects.
One big plus was that I found a forgotten, FULL bag of frozen shrimp! Yay! Garlic shrimp with pasta for dinner this week! Maybe with bread.

1 comment:

Wendy said...

Hey Mrs. Loudshoes! My "big" freezer is nearly empty with only a recent batch of strawberry jam (woohoo). Also noteworthy is that my freezer does NOT contain any frozen Manitoba ducks or geese which typically end up at the men's mission in the soup, this time of year when the resident hunter gatherer goes forth to procure another lots of sinewy shot loaded birds. Oooh. Big run on sentence. My apologies.

Keep up the good work Mrs. Loudshoes, but don't become a FlyLady knockoff imploring me to clean my sink to improve my mood or tie up my shoes to fix my self image.